******************************************************* Hobbytronics USB Host Keyboard software ALT and CONTROL keycodes ******************************************************* ALT KEYS ALT keys are a 2 character combination with the first character being the ESC key The ESC key value shown below is 00 (0x00) Char. Decimal Pair Hex Pair Char. Decimal Pair Hex Pair ALT-A (00,30) (0x00,0x1e) ALT-B (00,48) (0x00,0x30) ALT-C (00,46) (0x00,0x2e) ALT-D (00,32) (0x00,0x20) ALT-E (00,18) (0x00,0x12) ALT-F (00,33) (0x00,0x21) ALT-G (00,34) (0x00,0x22) ALT-H (00,35) (0x00,0x23) ALT-I (00,23) (0x00,0x17) ALT-J (00,36) (0x00,0x24) ALT-K (00,37) (0x00,0x25) ALT-L (00,38) (0x00,0x26) ALT-M (00,50) (0x00,0x32) ALT-N (00,49) (0x00,0x31) ALT-O (00,24) (0x00,0x18) ALT-P (00,25) (0x00,0x19) ALT-Q (00,16) (0x00,0x10) ALT-R (00,19) (0x00,0x13) ALT-S (00,26) (0x00,0x1a) ALT-T (00,20) (0x00,0x14) ALT-U (00,22) (0x00,0x16) ALT-V (00,47) (0x00,0x2f) ALT-W (00,17) (0x00,0x11) ALT-X (00,45) (0x00,0x2d) ALT-Y (00,21) (0x00,0x15) ALT-Z (00,44) (0x00,0x2c) ALT-F1 (00,104) (0x00,0x68) ALT-F2 (00,105) (0x00,0x69) ALT-F3 (00,106) (0x00,0x6a) ALT-F4 (00,107) (0x00,0x6b) ALT-F5 (00,108) (0x00,0x6c) ALT-F6 (00,109) (0x00,0x6d) ALT-F7 (00,110) (0x00,0x6e) ALT-F8 (00,111) (0x00,0x6f) ALT-F9 (00,112) (0x00,0x70) ALT-F10 (00,113) (0x00,0x71) ALT-F11 (00,139) (0x00,0x8b) ALT-F12 (00,140) (0x00,0x8c) EXTENDED ASCII KEYBOARD CODES Certain keys cannot be represented by the standard ascii codes. To represent the codes, a two-character sequence is used. The first character is always an ASCII NUL (0). The second character and its translations are listed in the following table. Some codes expand to multi-keystroke characters. Control codes Dec Hex ASCII Key 0 00 NUL (null) ctrl @ 1 01 SOH (start of heading) ctrl A 2 02 STX (start of text) ctrl B 3 03 ETX (end of text) ctrl C 4 04 EOT (end of transmission) ctrl D 5 05 ENQ (enquiry) ctrl E 6 06 ACK (acknowledge) ctrl F 7 07 BEL (bell) ctrl G 8 08 BS (backspace) ctrl H 9 09 HT (horizontal tab) ctrl I 10 0A LF (line feed) ctrl J 11 0B VT (vertical tab) ctrl K 12 0C FF (form feed) ctrl L 13 0D CR (carriage return) ctrl M 14 0E SO (shift out) ctrl N 15 0F SI (shift in) ctrl O 16 10 DLE (data link escape) ctrl P 17 11 DC1 (device control 1) ctrl Q 18 12 DC2 (device control 2) ctrl R 19 13 DC3 (device control 3) ctrl S 20 14 DC4 (device control 4) ctrl T 21 15 NAK (negative acknowledge) ctrl U 22 16 SYN (synchronous idle) ctrl V 23 17 ETB (end of transmission block) ctrl W 24 18 CAN (cancel) ctrl X 25 19 EM (end of medium) ctrl Y 26 1A SUB (substitute) ctrl Z 27 1B ESC (escape) ctrl [ 28 1C FS (file separator) ctrl \ 29 1D GS (group separator) ctrl [ 30 1E RS (record separator) ctrl ^ 31 1F US (unit separator) ctrl _