The following list is of products that we no longer sell but would like to offer datasheets/code/downloads etc. to support customers who are still using these items.
LCD Backpack
LCD Backpack Datasheet V2 and example programs
Arduino I2C and Serial RX Example code and Library
Hi-Tech C LCD I2C Backpack Demo and Library
Serial VGA
serialVGA Datasheet
Arduino serialVGA Sketch
serialVGA Schematic
12 Channel Servo Controller IC
12 Channel Servo Controller IC Datasheet
12 Channel ServoPRO Controller IC Datasheet
10 Channel Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) I2C
LCD 8×2 Character – Black on Green 3.3V
USB Host Board XBEE Shield
Arduino XBEE Shield (HT)
Arduino UNO*Pro
Please use the contact form to request other products and we will try and help.